Friday Link Roundup 7



Friday Links Roundup 6

Via Jim Calloway’s Law Practice Tips Blog:


Via The MacLawyer:

Via Court Technology and Trial Presentation

Via iPhone J.D.:


LogMeIn Ignition: A back to school bargain

LogMeIn Ignition

LogMeIn Ignition

In a previous post I talked about sharing your computer screen and remote access to your computer. One of the programs I mentioned was the excellent LogMeIn remote access system. I think everyone should consider installing the free version on their own computer and also any computers that they find themselves acting as tech support for. The LogMeIn system also offers a great app for iPhones and iPads called LogMeIn Ignition. It allows you to do all the great things that you can normally do with their remote access system but from your iPhone or iPad. And it does it in a really easy and intuitive way. This app is normally $30 but for a short time you can get it for $15 as part of their “back to school” promotion. Don’t miss your chance to get it for half off. It is a universal app so you buy it once and you can use it on both your iPhone and iPad.

Via iPhone J.D.

Increase the odds of recovering your stolen laptop

I read an interesting story posted on the website, “After a Frenetic London Riot, a Laptop is Recovered“. The point of the article is that you can take some proactive steps that can really increase the chances of recovering of your laptop in the event that it is lost or stolen. The program that was used in this particular story is Prey, an open-source application that can track the location of the device once it is reconnected to the Internet.

Prey is free to use on up to three devices (paid pro versions are available as well). It works on Windows, Macs and Android phones right now. It can be used on desktop computers as well. A version for iPhone/iPad is in the works. Once you determine that your device is missing, you can use a Web control panel to determine the devices location. You can also take a variety of actions, including taking a picture of the individual if the device is camera equipped. Using the reports from the control panel, you can provide the police with information that will help them recover your device. Lojack for Laptops from Absolute Software is another example of a similar program.

These are great programs that can help you try to recover your stolen devices. But your first layer of protection should always be backups and possibly encrypting your hard drive.

Friday Links Roundup 5

The temperatures around here have finally dipped below 90 degrees. It is a welcome relief. I hope you are able to get outside and enjoy the weather this weekend.

Via TechCrunch:

  • For just a penny a page you can get your papers (books, documents and pictures) scanned by
  • Taking your textbooks digital and social is the goal of textbook startup Kno. An iPad app let’s you take notes on your digital textbook. Soon you will be able to share these notes with your classmates as you prepare for your quizzes and exams.
  • The FBI has released it’s first iPhone app, Child ID.  The app helps you be prepared with electronically stored information about your children in any event where they are missing. You can easily provide pictures, physical identifiers and height and weight to any relevant authorities.
  • Reid gives his thoughts on the impact the iPad is having on the legal profession.
  • Jim highlights a great story that he stumbled upon. Trial lawyers have great stories. Veteran Oklahoma City trial lawyer Rex Travis shares the story of his first jury trial.

Friday Links Roundup

Organize your mind – You know you need to

Review: Legal Terms – – Free legal dictionary from

You have an amazing memory (if you know the trick to using it)

RemoteRinger for android helps you find your phone in the couch

Subtle Reminder

TUAW’s Daily iPad App – Wreck this App

You Went Paperless for How Much?

1Password’s Safari Extension Update

GLMPS Launches a Cool New Photo Sharing App with a Video Twist

On My Radar: Better Public Speaking Techniques

Daily iPad App: HowStuffWorks for iPad

Oh Gosh: The HP Touchpad 16GB is on Woot for $379

Microsoft Responds to Google’s Response to Microsoft’s Response

LinkedIn Now Adding Two New Members Every Second

In the News

Taking notes on your iPad

Taking notes on your iPad should be one of the things you can easily do on an iPad. You ought to be able to get rid of your legal pad if you want to. But most of the apps for this purpose seem to be lacking. It’s not that easy to write on the tablet with your finger. Sure, you can jot down a quick note or phone number, but what about extended needs like meeting minutes and depositions?

This is where this review of the note-taking app Note Taker HD comes in. Jeff Richardson of the iPhone J.D. Blog reviewed that app as well as the Kensington Virtuoso Stylus for Tablets. His review of the stylus explains how much easier it is to use these note-taking apps with a stylus (which mimics a pen) instead of your finger. Be sure to take a look. It may be just what you need to know to get rid of that old legal pad.

Friday links round-up

This week has continued to be a scorcher as far as the temperature goes. Here are some hot stories from around the web this week. Have a great weekend!

  • Google now has made two-factor authentication available in more than 140 countries according to a post by the TechCrunch blog. This can really improve the security of your information stored on gmail and other google services. Two-factor authentication makes it so even if someone has your password they still can’t get into your account unless they have your cell phone (which is where a secondary password is sent).
  • If you love the Angry Birds game franchise you have reason to rejoice. The macgasm blog points out that an update is out with 15 new levels that are set in a mine. Another plus is that the HD version of the game has had a price cut to $1.99. Get it now before the price goes up.
  • 60 iPhone and iPad apps for Lawyers was a great session at the last ABA Tech Show and now it has been reprised by ALI-ABA. Two of the presenters, Reid Trautz and Jeff Richardson, have posted about the session on their blogs (Reid My Blog! and iPhone JD). See the iPhone JD blog post for a listing of the 60 apps.
  • TechCrunch points out a great retrospective on the IBM Selectric Typewriter by Technologizer. It is fun to look back as the Selectric turns 50. How many of you still have one in your office?
  • Continuing the birthday theme TechCrunch also looks back at DOS, which is celebrating it’s 30th birthday. Anyone still remember the commands (dir, cd, xcopy)? Those were the days when your hands never left the keyboard.
  • The FutureLawyer blog points out the Law Office Management Assistance Service – LOMAS – which is maintained by the Florida Bar Association. They offer a treasure trove of practice management tools that you should take a look at.
  • The PracticeHacker blog points us to a great article on How Lawyers Can Handle Bad Reviews and Complaints on Social Media. This article was posted on the Solo Practice University website by Debra Bruce.
  • MacSparky tells us about the fact that Dragon Dictation for the Mac has hit version 2.5. Dragon now offers the ability to talk into your iPhone and have the words show up on your computer screen. The TUAW blog adds some additional details about the app and its use with Office 2011.

Discontinue Dropbox?

I have talked about Dropbox in a previous post. Dropbox provides a seamless way to have access to all of your current work files on all your devices (desktop computer/laptop computer/home computer/smart phone/iPad) and can also serve as a rudimentary off-site backup of your files.

The service was recently rocked by changes when they announced in their Terms of Service that Dropbox employees have access to your files (when originally it was thought otherwise). This has caused many users in the legal community to discontinue their use of the service. To top it off they also had a software update that went wrong and potentially allowed anyone access to your files for a four-hour window. So should anyone trust their files to this online service or any other?

To address this topic I direct you to a thoughtful post, Alabama Ethics and Dropbox, from The Soul Practitioner legal blog. I have not yet seen any specific direction from the court on this topic in Ohio. If you are aware of any please let me know.

Via: Technolawyer SmallLaw

How to share your computer screen (or someone else’s)

If you have ever tried to help others with their computer over the phone you know how hard it can be. You can’t see the screen. So even though you think you are telling them the right things to do, you may not be. As they say, a picture (or a video) is worth a thousand words (or something like that).

Screen sharing

This is where a screen sharing program comes to the rescue. I have used GoToMeeting for this purpose for quite a few years. It has always seemed to be just a little bit easier to use than the competition (WebEx and others). And it is so much easier to help others with their computers when you can actually see their screens. We use it at the OSBA to assist members in using our various online products (Website/Casemaker/OSBA Report Online/OhioDocs/etc.) and also to provide remote training. is a website that offers the ability to share your screen with up to 200 people via their computer screens. This program is free and very quick and easy to use. You just direct the other parties to the website,, which is very easy to remember and type. The biggest decision is who is going to share his or her screen and who is going to watch.

The program is simple to use. If I am going to share my screen then I choose that option from the main screen and a temporary program quickly downloads and launches. Once it is running it shows you the meeting ID number that you will share with the folks who will be watching (and click the play button to share your screen). Tell the other parties what that meeting ID number is, and they can enter it in the Join box on the main web page. Prefer to see their screen? Have them click on the Share button at the website and wait to receive the meeting id number from them. It is really great for the improptu screen sharing opportunities that can come up.

Attorneys can use this in their practices to share a document remotely with a client, so that the client does not need to come into the office. You can make changes to the document as they watch on their own computer screen and everyone is literally on the same page. Your clients can even use their mobile devices (iPhone/iPad/Android phone) to watch your computer screen using downloadable apps. This makes it very easy to share your computer screen with your clients wherever they may be.

Providing computer assistance to friends and family

If you find yourself providing computing assistance to friends and family, I would encourage you to take advantage of the system. It can allow you to take control of their computer (with their help), and it is always easier to assist when you can see their screen and drive the keyboard and mouse for them.

Another great option is, and I think it can be an even better option.  If you find that you need to help family members or friends on a regular basis, I suggest installing free to their machines (it works on Windows and Macs). This will allow you to access their machines at any time (as long as it is on and connected to the Internet). They don’t need to do anything. You just login to the website and pick their computer off the list of computers that you can remote control. This way you are able to help them even if they are not able to get something like connected for you. has options that have a monthly fee but the free version is plenty powerful for what you need to support friends and family. Think about installing this software on your next visit to their house. You will be glad you did.

Of course this same software is a great way to access your own computer remotely from anywhere. This can be a real help for those times you forgot to bring that important file and you just want to email it to yourself. There is even an iPad app that will let you drive the remote computer from your iPad. Talk about convenient.